

Iranian-Americans celebrate Norooz, Persian New Year

Persian New Year, also known as Norooz, was celebrated at Los Angeles City Hall on March 16 as members of Persian American Communities Inc. — a nonprofit organization consisting of local Iranian American Jews and Muslims — joined with L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and members of the City Council.

Rite of passage is not a free pass

\”Keeping Up With the Steins\” is an unlikely candidate for an Academy Award, but it has served a purpose if it causes us to pause and consider the cultural phenomenon that prompted its production and distribution.

Former emcee sheds light on beaucoup-buck parties

George Valencia said the inspiration for the film came from his worst memory as a bar mitzvah emcee — he had run out of glow ropes during a party for a particularly affluent family only to discover that the bar mitzvah boy had never received one.

Unmasking Purim’s vital meaning

On Purim we are forced to confront the possibility that nothing we do really matters, because history is ultimately arbitrary, and life is therefore unalterably unpredictable. No wonder they tell us to have a couple of drinks … But the power of Purim is not that it leaves us in a drunken stupor, vulnerable, uncertain and hungover.

The whole megillah: Ten reasons to love Purim

So what is Purim about? This short guide explains the various holiday traditions and celebrations, as well as a few suggestions of unique and fun ways to partake in the festivities.

Purim books: A time to laugh, a time to grog

Keeping in mind that singing, dancing and drinking may be the typical methods of rejoicing, its important to remember there are other ways to truly celebrate the value of existence — like picking up and reading a great comedy.

At Party Time: Candy is dandy — charity is sweeter

As my son\’s bar mitzvah day inched closer, I began to see the world in a whole different light — a disco ball light, to be exact — for as my child grew, so did his friends, officially putting us both on the b\’nai mitzvah circuit.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.