

Fleeing Nazis Breaks His Father’s Spirit

In the beginning of the Nazi era, my father, thanks to his international reputation, was offered various positions abroad, including, oddly enough, at the main hospital in Tehran, but he couldn\’t conceive of leaving Germany. Like many old-time German Jews, he looked on Hitler as a temporary aberration, which the good sense of the German people would soon reverse.


This section of the page is a way for you as kids to sound off about an issue. This month\’s Kein v\’ Lo (yes and no) is about camps. Should Jewish kids go to Jewish camps or other kinds of camps?

Class Notes – National Nachas for Shalhevet

Five brief pieces, on the following: Shalhevet School\’s recent winning streak, Camp Ramah\’s new solar panels, a five-day summer workshop that shows teachers how to use studying the holocaust to teach morality, an opportunity to serve abroad as part of the \”Jewish Peace Corps,\” and a recent Prejudice Awareness Summit at the University of Judaism.

A Dying Language Comes to Life

The Yiddish words flew — sometimes fluently, sometimes haltingly and occasionally \”shreklich\” or awful as the seniors reached for a word long forgotten or the students for a word they had not yet learned. They raised their voices, gesturing with their hands as they spoke.

Finding God Under the Stars

The fog/smog lies heavy over the San Bernardino mountain range, but with a little imagination, it\’s still possible to make out Los Angeles — and Catalina — in the distance. Likewise, at an elevation of more than 6,000 feet in Running Springs, it\’s possible to envision the great promise of Camp Gan Israel, Chabad\’s new sleep-away camp and retreat center, even though the site is still undergoing heavy remodeling.

Rabbi Ending Long Hitch in Military

Lapp was 9 when his family arrived in the United States. He went on to study political science and religious education at Yeshiva University and was ordained at the Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary in 1957. He studied chaplaincy at the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., and the Army War College in Carlisle, Pa.

Spectator – A Poet’s Slam-Dunk

With a gift for diction, Kadosh explores the cultural absurdities and political hypocrisies of America, dedicating one spoken-word poem to SUVs, and another to the cheese at the heart of America.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.