

Limmud Australia bars speakers who advocate Israel boycott

Limmud-Oz, the Australian arm of the global festival of Jewish learning, has barred presenters who advocate a boycott of Israel. Less than a month before the popular two-day festival opens in Sydney, Limmud-Oz’s program director, Michael Misrachi, issued a statement this week saying that the executive of Limmud-Oz believes “that the BDS campaign is an attack on Israel’s basic legitimacy and harms the Jewish people as a whole.”

Coen brothers have bone to pick with Israel boycotters

Popular filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen said during a visit to Israel that they do not agree with artists who boycott the Jewish state. Asked during a news conference about music and film artists who boycott Israel over its policies regarding the Palestinians, Ethan Coen said it was a mistake.

Australian lawmaker Danby slams Greens over Israel boycott

Australian Jewish lawmaker Michael Danby slammed the Greens Party for \”promoting extreme and dangerous policies\” over its controversial support of an Israel boycott. Writing in The Australian newspaper of April 2, Danby of the governing Labor Party condemned Greens leader Bob Brown for allowing a \”watermelon faction\” — green on the outside but red on the inside — to wade into foreign policy.

Kiss’ Gene Simmons: Boycotters are “fools”

Shout it out loud: Gene Simmons thinks Israel boycotters among his rocking colleagues are \”fools.\” Simmons, the Kiss co-founder known for his seemingly endless tongue, returned to Israel this week as part of his reality show, \”Gene Simmons\’ Family Jewels.\”

Religious groups in German city fighting Israel boycott

Pro-Israel and Jewish organizations in a German city are fighting back against a local group that used images of bloody oranges to call for a boycott of Israeli products. Jewish leaders in Bremen, in northwestern Germany, as well as the interfaith German-Israel Society, Christian-Jewish Society and Friends of Israel in Bremen, are proposing to work with local mainstream political and religious leaders to take a stand against the Bremen Peace Forum and its political agenda.

Boycott marring Peace Team visit to Sydney

A joint Israeli-Palestinian Australian Rules football team due to visit Sydney is embroiled in a row over a local government council’s boycott of Israel. Marrickville Council, in inner Sydney, voted last December to support a Green Party-led ban on all commercial, academic, governmental, cultural and sporting exchanges with Israel. But the same council voted unanimously Tuesday night to allow the Peace Team — co-sponsored by the Peres Center for Peace and the Al-Quds Association for Democracy and Dialogue — to appear at a welcome function at the Marrickville Town Hall on Aug. 18.

Letters to the Editor: J Street, Wisconsin, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

Traffic Going in Both Directions on J Street. I would like to add my congratulations, to the many he has already received, to David Suissa for again having written an excellent, incisive and rational article, “J Street Needs Another Lane” (March 4) to complement his “Israel Never Looked So Good,” which generated a significant response.

The sinister one-two punch: Creating hatred again

The boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against the state of Israel is nothing new. Prejudice, isolation and punishment of Jews, an earlier form of BDS has recurred over the past 2,000 years. In Europe and the Middle East, Jewish people were isolated, demonized, and then persecuted and murdered in pogroms, Inquisitions, and wars. In 1930s Europe, Jews faced economic, cultural, and social boycotts that paved the way for the Holocaust. Since the 1940s, Arab states have imposed strict boycotts of Israel. The players may be different, but they all follow the same playbook: the sinister one-two punch. The first punch unleashes lies and distortions to foment hatred. The second punch demands draconian punishments, such as BDS.

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters joins boycott movement

Former Pink Floyd front man Roger Waters has officially joined the the campaign of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel, and is urging fellow artists to do the same. In a letter posted on the website of the Alternative information Center, Waters said he would continue to wage a boycott campaign against Israel until it ends its occupation of the West Bank and dismantles the security fence, grants full equality to Arab citizens of Israel and allows all Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in Israel.

Pete Seeger clarifies position on boycotting Israel

Folk music icon Pete Seeger, quoted earlier this week as saying that he supports a boycott of Israel, told JTA that his position on Israel is constantly evolving. Earlier this week, the pro-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement group Adalah-NY reported that Seeger met recently with representatives from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and told them that he “supports” the anti-Israel BDS movement.

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