

Livni sees peace talks aiding Arab world alliance shift

Israel\’s top peace negotiator said on Friday newly resumed talks with the Palestinians also held a wider opportunity for Israel to seek alliances with Arab world moderates against militants in the Middle East.

Palestinian prisoner release on track after High Court ruling

Israel was set to free 26 Palestinian prisoners within hours to help underpin renewed peace talks, after its High Court on Tuesday rejected an appeal against their release by relatives of some of the Israelis they killed.

Give the peace process a chance

There\’s no shortage of cynicism and skepticism about the restarted, U.S.-facilitated Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Kerry says Israeli settlements should not disrupt mideast talks

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday that Israel\’s announcement of new settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem \”were to some degree expected,\” and urged Israelis and Palestinians to move head with peace talks due to resume this week.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.