In the aftermath of several deadly terrorist attacks, including the stabbing of a 21-year-old woman, Israel plans to bar Palestinians from working in the West Bank’s Gush Etzion bloc of settlements.
The move, which according to the Palestinian Maan news agency will affect some 2,000 Palestinians, is among several new security measures announced by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a speech Monday at the Etzion Junction, the site of Sunday’s stabbing of the woman.
It is not clear whether the measures are intended to be temporary or permanent.
According to the Times of Israel, other measures include arresting large numbers of Hamas members in the West Bank and sending large numbers of soldiers to safeguard areas that are frequently targeted. Netanyahu also said there will be more restrictions on Palestinian vehicles and the creation of additional “bypass roads” — routes that are accessible only to Israelis. In addition, the entire extended family of suspected terrorists will be prohibited from entering Israel.
“Such a family is aware of the fact that one of its members is a radical, and anyone who is about to [carry out an] attack – such a family has no right to work in Israel,” Netanyahu said. “We revoke [that permit], and that’s important.”
Israel reportedly is also considering deporting from the West Bank to Gaza Palestinians who are believed to be inciting violence against the Jewish state.