The social protests have begun again this summer….” title=”MARKER’s Israel 2021 conference” target=”_blank”> MARKER’s Israel 2021 conference. The conference began with some obligatory speeches by politicians. Then the real action began.. A room full of round tables in which participants discussed the most important DOMESTIC issues facing Israeli society: integrating the charedi and Arab populations into the workplace and environmental issues among others. All through the winter and spring THE MARKER laid the intellectual underpinning for the protests writing way before the summer protests. This through their extensive reporting about the concentration of the ownership in the economy and lack of competition in the consumer market for numerous products.
This year’s conference (they got my back in the photo that appeared in the paper) went even further. The roundtables represented 120 different bottom up projects to improve the society. And free space was given for booths from all times of social action groups ranging from women’s rights, developing the economies of the Negev and galil, and Bedouin rights.
Today The MARKER carried extensive supportive articles on the protests. The front page headline here: The Police Demand Continued Custody for the Protesters, the Judge Freed them Immediately
Imagine all this from a leading business publication in the US?
Another way that Israel is (WAY) different than the US and the assertion that Israel has moved “way to the right” may not give the full picture.
….And sitting here in the coffee shop I struck up a conversation with a writer involved in the protest who emailed me two of his articles