
February 13, 2013

The Rabbi who interviewed Helen Thomas

It may have been divine providence or it may have been just blind luck, but either way, Rabbi David Nesenoff’s visit to the White House in May 2010 was a transformative event — in his life and in that of one of the world’s most renowned journalists.

Local Birthright offerings feature niche trips

Registration began this week for Taglit-Birthright Israel, the program offering free 10-day trips to Israel for Jews ages 18-26 that was created to connect young people to their heritage. This year, The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles is co-sponsoring a variety of opportunities: With nine trips and room for 40 people on each, there are 360 spaces available, however many trips fill up quickly.

Super Sunday’s fundraising and activism

More than 450 people took part in fundraising and community service activities Feb. 10 as part of Super Sunday, during which The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and the Jewish Federation Valley Alliance raised $1,942,736 as part of its annual fundraising campaign.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Historical experiences and perception

Brief synopsis: The most puzzling aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may be that after 65 years of violence, enmity and suffering, it remains unresolved when coexistence is inevitable and a two-state solution remains the only viable option.

Movie salutes the colorful Ed Koch

New York Mayor Edward Irving Koch, universally addressed as “Ed,” was a master of timing and promotion.

Senate Democrats pave way for full Senate vote on Hagel

Senate Democrats filed a motion on Wednesday to end debate on the nomination of Chuck Hagel as President Barack Obama\’s new secretary of defense after Republicans refused to allow a vote, setting up a showdown vote by Friday.

Holocaust’s enduring lessons

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) will be transplanted, at least in part, from Washington, D.C.’s National Mall to Los Angeles on Feb. 17.

Desalination, Israeli-style

The subsidiary of an Israeli company has been selected to design the largest seawater-desalination plant in the Western Hemisphere. Located in northern San Diego County, the plant will be designed and operated by IDE Americas, part of IDE Technologies, headquartered in Kadima.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.