September 14, 2009
A precarious moment in Catholic-Jewish relations
America’s Catholic bishops recently approved two new documents that strike at the very heart of a trusting relationship between Catholics and Jews.
Jewish gravestones vandalized at Argentina cemetery
Some 58 gravestones were vandalized at a Jewish cemetery in Argentina\’s Buenos Aires province on Friday and Saturday, local news Web site Momento 24 reported.
Israeli pilot Assaf Ramon buried next to astronaut father
Israeli pilot Assaf Ramon was buried next to his father, astronaut Ilan Ramon, a day after he was killed in a training accident.
The 60 Questions of Our Life
“Curiosity: The Questions of Our Life” is the name of a new 60-episode five-year “landmark” series just announced with much >fanfare by the Discovery Channel.
Graves defaced in Argentina include terror victims
Graves belonging to AMIA Jewish Center attack victims were among those vandalized in an Argentine Jewish cemetery.
L.A. immigrant blogs about the fun-damentals of Jerusalem
When Joanna Shebson immigrated to Jerusalem two years ago she discovered two phenomena: a plethora of children\’s events in the capital and a plethora of people complaining about the lack of culture there. Noticing that there was not one place that comprehensively listed things to do for the young ones, she started compiling lists for herself and her friends. After taking a class in social networking – during which she realized that running a blog is less complicated than it sounds – she launched in June \”Fun In Jerusalem,\” an English-language Web site listing all events and activities for children in and around Israel\’s capital.