
December 11, 2008

Jewish World Watch discusses state of humanity; Panel discusses Iranian

For every 100,000 babies born, 6,500 mothers die in the Badakhshan region of Afghanistan due to unavailable or inadequate medical care. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, violent conflicts over control of its rich mineral deposits have killed more people than the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Darfur combined.

Anti-Semitism in Pakistan — hate on a sliding scale

Right in the middle of Karachi stands one of the most recognized symbols of Judaism: the Star of David. It adorns Merewether Tower, one of the city\’s best-known landmarks. Nadeem Ahmed, a broker at the Karachi Stock Exchange located just across the street, points to some old graffiti at the base of the tower that reads \”Israel na manzoor\” (Israel is not acceptable). \”These marks show the anger of some fanatics for the brutality of Israelis against the Muslims of Palestine and Lebanon,\” he says. \”Frankly speaking, I\’m neither happy nor sad about the Jews who were killed in Mumbai.\”


The image of oil sheiks lighting campfires to keep warm beside their indoor ski slopes comforted me for only an instant. The truth is, their pain and our pain are interconnected, as it is with the fate of those striking Chicago factory workers, the college grads unable to find decent jobs and, of course, our own Jewish community.

Man of Joy

Craig Taubman is a very happy guy, but on Yom HaAtzmaut last spring, as Jewish communities around the world were celebrating Israel\’s 60th anniversary, he\nwasn\’t a happy camper

All’s well that ends Zell

The prospect of Zell\’s dumping Tribune assets at fire-sale prices has renewed speculation about the Los Angeles Times being returned to local ownership.

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