A Retreat to Comfort Converts
Rabbi Harold Schulweis tells a joke about a Jewish man who complains to his father after marrying a convert.
Rabbi Harold Schulweis tells a joke about a Jewish man who complains to his father after marrying a convert.
The Ba\’al Shem Tov, a famous rabbi, once said: \”The Torah wants to dance, but she has no feet. You must be her feet.\”
There are some new faces at UCLA. Rabbi Aryeh and Sharona Kaplan were recently hired to be the Torah educator couple for the Orthodox Union\’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC).
As Israeli troops moved deeper into northern Gaza to put a stop to Palestinian rocket fire on the small Negev town of Sderot, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was confident that the huge military operation would radically change the situation on the ground.
The Israeli-Palestinian issue is intensifying the fall-semester buzz at Duke University this year.
Inside the Mnaje Mojo hospital — \”one coconut\” in Swahili — it was absolute chaos. The place was teeming with people and I had to push my way through what seemed a never-ending crowd to get to the small room at the end of the corridor.
I am sitting in Adam\’s living room — a carpet on a dirt patio. On one side is a small tent for his five children, as well as two nephews and a niece who have been orphaned.
A cold fear is blowing through south Florida\’s strip malls, wilted palms and retirement homes — fear of another agonizingly close election fraught with charges and countercharges of vote theft.