JCC Mission
Forster\’s Rules for Meeting a Fundraising Challenge are important to review now, as the institution that once symbolized a thriving American Jewish community struggles for breath.
Forster\’s Rules for Meeting a Fundraising Challenge are important to review now, as the institution that once symbolized a thriving American Jewish community struggles for breath.
They\’re celebrating the fourth night of Chanukah at the Chai Teen and Youth Center, and, to put it mildly, this joint is jumping.
A roomful of women come together on a chilly December evening in Southern California. They eat, they laugh, they talk. One woman stands up and tells everyone that she learned how to say, \”No.\” Her announcement is met with applause. Another stands up and says how happy she is that she has the support of her friends and family.
Star basketball player Tamir Goodman ended his career at Towson University in Baltimore last week, when the school took the side of the head coach in a dispute that ended with Goodman\’s resigning from the team.
Elliott Gould insists his brilliantly campy character is \”an honest portrayal of an ethnic connection to old Vegas.\”
It\’s not every day a grown woman gets her cheeks pinched by another woman who\’s tickled pink to see her eating, but then Yvonne Haller is no ordinary French restaurateur.
What I could never have known at the time, as I sat glumly in the back seat of my parents car on that long drive to a new, unknown life, was that Sacramento would provide me with some of the greatest experiences of my life.
While I don\’t belong in Christmas festivities, I don\’t enjoy the season\’s organized Jewish events. And so, I\’m more confused than Anne Heche on a trip to Fresno.
The U.S. State Department will now include American victims of Palestinian terror on its Rewards for Justice Program, which offers \”substantial monetary rewards\”for information leading to the arrest or conviction of people responsible for acts of terrorism.
Trick or treat? That slightly out-of-season challenge reflects Israeli reaction to Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat\’s dramatic call on his people for \”a complete stop to all armed activities, especially the suicide attacks.\”