
November 18, 1999

Israel: Land of Sustainable Growth?

Rosy government forecasts have been backed by a series of recent reports issued by leading financial analysts, who see Israel\’s economy pulling out of the slowdown that has pushed unemployment up to nearly 9 percent since 1997.

Bonding Over Bonds

Monique Maas Gibbons is co-chair of the Business and Professional Women\’s Division, a branch of the Women\’s Campaign of the United Jewish Fund (and an extension of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles).

Co-Existence on the Court

The inspiration and driving force behind \”Co-Existense\” is the energetic and visionary, Freddie Kravine, 80, who serves as president of the Israel Tennis Federation and is one of the original 1976 founders of the Tennis Center.

Eyes Wide Open

Ruth Schrier paints wolves and landscapes of the mind; Judith Margolis captures the interior journey of her move to Israel. The work of both artists is on display in an exhibit, \”Spiritscapes,\” at the University of Judaism.

Too Young

I was intrigued by the overture. Life is messy. The past is a hedge around the soul. What we do with our memories and experiences shapes us like Edward Scissorhands\’ topiary.

Officials Visit Israel

Andrew Carter, a participant of Operation Unity, a program that brings minority Los Angeles high school students to live on an Israeli kibbutz for six weeks, never felt as accepted as he did in Israel. No one treated him differently because of his color, he said, and the minute he got off the plane, \”Everyone wanted to hug you.\”

Precedent Setting

Judge Pauline Nightingale is happy to have seen the number of women studying law increase from almost nothing to 50 percent in her lifetime.

What Happened to Them?

Over the years, I have listened to the stories of hundreds of such Jews. No two are alike. Given the prejudice against religious belief with which they grew up and in which they were educated, each Jew who becomes religious is a miracle.

Spotlighting a Neglected Disease

When Pam Acosta\’s mother, Rose, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June of 1996, Acosta was at a loss. The only thing she knew about the disease was that it claimed actor Michael Landon\’s life. \”The doctors offered no answers, no hope. Only a three- to six-month sentence,\” says Acosta. In anguish, she wondered, \”If Michael Landon couldn\’t save himself, how can I save my mother?\”

Challenging “Dogma”

A first draft of the script illegally made its way onto the Internet and into the hands of William Donohue of the Catholic League. Upon reading dialogue about Joseph and Mary\’s sex life and a portrayal of a descendent of Jesus employed by an abortion clinic, Donohue, without having seen the film, launched an all-out assault against \”Dogma.\”

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