OK, I admit it. I’m a bit of a clotheshorse. And when you buy a lot of clothes, you get a lot of tags that you have to cut off before wearing the garments. Besides the price tags from the stores, the manufacturers attach their own tags featuring branding messages and logos. These manufacturer tags are usually made of thick, premium-quality paper stock, so I always save them for art projects.
One way I like to repurpose clothing tags is to turn them into bookmarks. They are the perfect blank canvas to create collages with images cut out of old magazines — something else I don’t throw away.
What you’ll need:
Clothing tags
Magazine pages
Glue stick
1. Gather your clothing tags.
2. Cut out pictures from magazines. Also select words that you find interesting.
3. With a glue stick, create a collage with the pictures and words on the tags. Cut off any excess paper on the edges.
4. Use a nail to pierce through any paper that has covered the original hole in the tag. Thread a piece of yarn through the hole for the bookmark tassel.
Jonathan Fong is the author of “Flowers That Wow” and “Parties That Wow,” and host of “Style With a Smile” on YouTube. You can see more of his do-it-yourself projects at jonathanfongstyle.com.