With the announcement that Jon Stewart is leaving 'The Daily Show', we take a moment to pause and recall his finest moments as the de facto CEO of Jewish humor in America. There is so much we will miss. First, his sharp interviews (not with celebrities, with authors and politicians), as well as his ability to call TV media and politicians to task, to offer us all a unique and alternative view of the news even as it occurred. But just as much, we will miss his wit, his snark, his generosity, curiosity, humanity, mugging, voices, New Jersey tough guy impression, and occasional giggle. Stewart’s departure leaves a big Jewish-sized hole in late night entertainment — it was always a pleasure when his Jewish jokes acted as a dog whistle to the two percent of America who really got them. See the clip below for his “Best Of” Jewish Jokes.
Clip Bonus: If you look carefully in one of the clips, you’ll see President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sharing a matzoh. Oh, happier days….