A pro-Palestinian hacking group disrupted the website of the Israeli-developed mobile messaging application WhatsApp with anti-Israel messages.
The denial of service attack on Tuesday, which also struck the website of anti-virus software maker AVG, redirected users to sites that read “long live Palestine” and “there is no security, we can catch you” above the logo of Anonymous Palestine.
The hacker group Anonymous has tried to “erase Israel from the Internet” in previous concerted attacks on Israeli government, business and social media sites.
Network Solutions, which registers domain names, provides hosting services and sells other website-related administration services, including to WhatsApp, said Wednesday that it was investigating the attack.
The hacking group, called KDMS Team, announced its responsibility for the attack on Twitter. In one tweet it lauded the fact that 850,000 people had seen their message. In another it wished “Peace From #Palestine, The Stolen Land.”
WhatsApp was back online Wednesday.