
Letters to the Editor: Love without borders, Sanityman, Jewish mamas

I so appreciate David Suissa’s article “Love Without Borders” (Oct. 15). As a Christian, and a supporter of Israel, my love for Israel and the Jewish people is not contingent upon whether or not we agree on all political, social or even biblical issues, for I believe that what we have in common is far greater than our differences. After all, where would we be without the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
October 20, 2010

Loving Israel

I so appreciate David Suissa’s article “Love Without Borders” (Oct. 15). As a Christian, and a supporter of Israel, my love for Israel and the Jewish people is not contingent upon whether or not we agree on all political, social or even biblical issues, for I believe that what we have in common is far greater than our differences. After all, where would we be without the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

As a Christian, I have a commandment of love by which I must live my life, and standing up for Israel is a very big part of that. I wholeheartedly support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state in its God-given homeland. Israel is a sovereign nation fully capable of making her own decisions. Because of that, I continue to pray for the “peace of Jerusalem” and must not stay silent when any government or people attempts to force its will upon them. I cannot change the past, for which I am profoundly sorry, but I pledge to do everything I can to make a difference today, and tomorrow, for Israel and God’s people the Jews, even if every other nation turns against them.

Marilyn Ling
Christians United for Israel
Hermosa Beach

These days we Jews welcome any support for the State of Israel, but in reality you cannot love Israel and reject Judaism. Evangelical Christians believe that Judaism is only a precursor to Christianity. They believe in The Rapture, which requires an ingathering of Jews to the Holy Land to bring about the Second Coming of Christ and Armageddon.At that time all Jews must convert to Christianity.

Martin J. Weisman
Westlake Village

I find David Suissa’s columns to be both meaningful and thought provoking. His latest column gives us a new litmus test when deciding the merits of our own or any organization’s position vis-à-vis Israel. His thought that any debate on Israel must first be built on the admission of unconditional love is right-on.

I can debate as to whether Israel is right or wrong, but either way I still have unconditional love for Israel.

Hershey Gold
Los Angeles

Re-evaluating Props. 20, 21

I cannot believe what I am reading: Bruce Bialosky of the Republican Jewish Coalition says that he [would] rather have this nameless, probably non-Jewish Commission than have “Henry Waxman, Howard Berman and his brother do redistricting for the State of California” (“Parsing the Ballot Propositions, From Right and Left,” Oct. 15). Has Mr. Bialosky forgotten the word “Jewish” in the title of his organization? In L.A. County there are five Jewish members of Congress — an all-time record. What is wrong with that, Mr. Bialosky? We need to vote “No” on Proposition 20 to keep our five Jewish seats.

Howard Welinsky
Toluca Lake

In an effort to fairly present the propositions for consideration, Proposition 21 was unfortunately shortchanged. Completely left out was the fact that with the annual surcharge, entrance to the parks becomes free for all California vehicles. For the price of a few highline coffees a year, we raise funds to shore up the badly deteriorated maintenance in state parks, hire more on-site people, and “develop and enhance existing park programs [and] enhance the management of state lands for wildlife conservation purposes and for new wildlife habitat restoration projects” (Legislative Analyst’s Office). In addition, as cars increase in California, funds increase for the parks; it becomes a self-sustaining trust fund that actually saves as much as $200 million for the General Fund, which could be used for socialservices.

If we don’t create a dedicated fund for the state park system, it will remain on the top of the “cut” list during times of deficit, with park closures and deterioration guaranteed. Its constituency — the individual people of this state — does not have millions to throw at Sacramento in lobbying funds, so Proposition 21 is the best answer.

Mitch Paradise
Los Angeles

Look Outside the Tribe

I always kvell at Jewish compassion. So while I have Ms. Tishby on rachmones mode, I’d like to tell you about a friend of mine; we can call her A or B or C (“The Unnecessary Drama of Some Jewish Mamas,” Oct. 8). In fact, trying to set Jewish singles up, I have Facebook friends in all letters of the alphabet. And for every available Jewish boy who’s still got his teeth (even in a glass jar), I have seven “hot and smart” Jewish doctors, lawyers, teachers and pharmacists with a biological clock/ticking bomb. I often get friend requests from “Jewish” girls who’d like to meet “a nice Jewish guy.” When I read a bit about them I find that they are practicing Christians. I truly feel for your friend. But with Jews comprising a mere one quarter of 1 percent of the world’s population, why obsess over a guy who chooses his mother over you and not date the other 99.75 percent?

Vered Kashani
via e-mail

Kudos to Kaplan

Another great article, Marty Kaplan (“Waiting for Sanityman,” Oct. 15)! Thanks so much. Your column is definitely my favorite at The Jewish Journal — at least 90 percent of the time.

Tamar Frankiel
Los Angeles

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