Dear all,
As our family was preparing for the 4th of July, I thought deeply about wearing patriotic colors. Might someone think we are making a political statement? Might someone think we are sending a politically charged message, simply because we take pride in our country?
And then I remembered what my Grandpa Phil always shared each 4th of July (when he would read the Declaration of Independence to the entire family): “Don’t ever take for granted the freedoms you have in this country. Don’t ever forget that my parents came here to create a better life.”
I know…. There are many in our country whose freedoms are not so tangible. There are many who haven’t experienced the same opportunities.
But we live in a land of dreams, not regrets.
We live in a country of ideas, not barricades.
We live in a place of possibilities, not dead ends.
We live in a society where visionaries can cultivate ideas, and where hard work can plant seeds of tomorrow.
I love our country. I recognize our faults. I value that we can rise from the faults and rebuild.
And so – we take a moment in time to harness the goal of liberty and justice for all.
With love and shalom,
Rabbi Zach Shapiro