Crisis of Confidence
If Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak looks nervous these days, it\’s because his famous luck seems to be running out.
If Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak looks nervous these days, it\’s because his famous luck seems to be running out.
If you\’re searching for clues as to what\’s in store next Election Day, you could do worse than to start your search in Miami Beach.
\”Jews sometimes try to be the conscience of the legislature,\” says state Rep. Elaine Bloom of Miami Beach, one of the state\’s most durable Jewish politicians. \”But we\’re losing numbers. They\’ve changed the system.\”
The independent voters in Venice, Torrance and San Pedro may determine the next Speaker of the United States House of Representatives on November 6, 2000.
\”It was a great week for the Hillary-bashers,\” said one senior campaign adviser. \”But the election is still a year away. This was a lesson. Hopefully she\’ll learn it.\” But maybe she won\’t.
As Bill Bradley takes on Vice President Al Gore for the Democratic Party\’s presidential nomination, Jews, who make up one of the most consistent voting blocs within the party, are taking stock of Bradley\’s career and his relationship with the Jewish community.
Although Californians do not go to the polls for another four months, Proposition 22 has already taken an early lead in the race to become the hot button issue of Election 2000.
The loss of goodwill between ethnic groups based on this one lapse is incalculable.
\”We have just completed a very good meeting. I feel we have revitalized the peace process,\” Clinton said after Tuesday\’s meeting, which took place amid commemorations in the Norwegian capital of the fourth anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.