

A Diet You Can Live With

It seems like only yesterday that everyone who could possibly afford it made sure to consume a lot of eggs, milk and red meat. In my case, come to think of it, that was yesterday.

The Sephardic Diet

Don\’t we all know what sensible eating means by now? Not too much fat, and good fats at that (olive oil, nut and seed oils, etc.); more grains and vegetables and fruits; less meat (lean), dairy products and fish.

Getting Healthy

How do you decide where to begin? Start with knowing what\’s important in order to achieve good health and what\’s not.

Adding Zeal to the Golden Years, Simply

Recent surveys have shown that many older Americans are not taking advantage of established methods of protecting their health and lives, including those paid by Medicare.

Curing Holiday Blues

\”Being that the Jewish community is relatively small, Jews are reluctant to seek help,\” says therapist Dr. Susan M. Davis, citing the continued stigma attached to such psychological afflictions.

The Force Behind ‘The Group Room’

Some people take lemons and make lemonade. Selma Schimmel took a diagnosis of cancer and turned it into a vast support network which has changed the lives of thousands of people.

End Papers

Most sources on Jewish medical ethics in the past emanated from an Orthodox perspective and no comprehensive approach to the subject from a Conservative viewpoint was readily available.

Use It or Lose It

The other day, an older client said to me, \”I\’ve reached that point in my life where the only thing I want to exercise is caution.\”
Just because we\’re getting older doesn\’t mean we can slack off on exercise. You can choose to be 20-years-old or 50-years-young. The difference is often in how well we take care of ourselves — and that means exercise and eating right..

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Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.