Picture of Wendy J. Madnick

Wendy J. Madnick

Terror in Granada Hills

News of the incident shot over phone lines and television sets, into living rooms and cars stuck in traffic and through corridors of offices where parents had been working, secure and unknowing.

Security Measures Come Under Scrutiny

The main reason for the lax security at the North Valley JCC? Quite simply, no one believed anything bad could happen in this peaceful residential neighborhood that\’s nestled against the Valley\’s northern hillside.

Teaching The Teachers

Each summer, the kids go off happily to camp or somewhat less happily to summer school. But where do the teachers go?

Wanting What the West Has

When people talk about the San Fernando Valley, non-residents may envision a vast sea of shiny new homes and retail areas, schools and parks, joined seamlessly by a pathway of soccer moms driving sports utility vehicles.

In reality, there are two Valleys — the one where the vehicles aren\’t new and the one with the million-dollar tract homes and gated \”communities.\”

Replacing a Legend

This month sees the official retirement of a Valley legend. Rabbi Eli Schochet of Shomrei Torah will step down after nearly 40 years at the pulpit. Still available for \”life-cycle events,\” the synagogue\’s new rabbi emeritus will be essentially withdrawing from his very public position.

Valley High

Weaving together the threads of music, youth activities and social action, the eighth annual Valley Jewish Festival will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 6. This year\’s festival, which organizers call the largest event of its kind on the West Coast, finds a new home on the campus of Cal State Northridge.

Operation ‘Kosove’

Barbara Creme was exhausted. It was nearly 1 a.m. on Friday, Shavuot, and instead of being at home asleep or studying at a tikkun, the director of the Jewish Federation/Valley Alliance\’s Jewish Community Relations Committee was laying out tablecloths at the Bernard Milken Campus.

Discovering Zion

State Sen. Richard Alarcon, along with state Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa and 16 other guests of the Anti-Defamation League, spent the week of April 24-30 touring Israel.

A Bronx Tale

Like a box of candy, this numbered collection of memories and anecdotes is best eaten slowly, the better to digest each morsel.


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