Picture of Wendy J. Madnick

Wendy J. Madnick

Guide for the Depressed

The High Holy Days are a time for contemplation, a time to give thanks, to repent for the wrongs of the past year and seek forgiveness from those you may have hurt and especially from God.

An Air of Resignation

It\’s the end of the line, or rather, the beginning. Last month, the board of directors of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) voted 8-3 to implement the San Fernando Valley East-West Transit Corridor.

What makes Us Special

When I took the position of Valley editor back in 1998, some people questioned the need for a reporter to cover the Valley.

Chandler Busway:Round Two

A proposed busway continued to spark fierce debate during two public hearings held in the San Fernando Valley during the last weeks of June.

The MTA View

Jewish Journal: It has been 10 years since the East-West Transit Corridor was first proposed. Why do you think there is still so much resistance to the project, despite the fact that everyone is affected by the dismal traffic conditions in the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles?

Taking on the MTA

Imagine a sunny Saturday afternoon. Families walking home from shul along quiet streets cross a well-worn thoroughfare, once the site of a rail system running through the neighborhood like a gentle stream, now transformed into a freeway for high-speed buses. The light changes and the families begin their journey across the street — but not fast enough.

Valley Jewish Festival Goes Green

If anyone knows how to have fun, it\’s singer/songwriter Craig Taubman. Known to thousands of kids and former kids for tunes such as \”Shabababat Shalom\” and the \”Chanukah Rap,\” Taubman, the musical force behind Sinai Temple\’s popular Friday Night Live and Adat Ari El\’s One Saturday Morning services, is about to bring his special brand of ruach (spirit) to the Valley Jewish community\’s biggest event of the year.

Special Needs Family Retreat

Families of individuals with special needs often feel a sense of helplessness and isolation from the community, as well as confusion about how to best help their loved ones. In an effort to give families the tools to cope with these issues, Etta Israel Center (EIC) will hold its second annual retreat May 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Shaarey Zedek Congregation in North Hollywood

The Necessary Next Step

Alvin Schrage knows what it means to shlep. Every weekday he gathers his three children into his Plymouth Voyager and makes the commute from their Agoura home to Emek Hebrew Academy in Sherman Oaks.

Beyond the Wall

It is a bright, sunny day at Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services. In her office, medical director Dr. Susan Schmidt-Lackner is sitting on the floor with one of her young patients — not an easy feat for a tall woman in a long skirt, but the doctor is more interested in the little boy than in her own comfort. The child\’s mother, seated nearby, recounts her concerns, such as how her son can\’t tolerate the texture of most foods and is subsisting on a diet of McDonald\’s Happy Meals.


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