Experiencing Oct. 7 through Virtual Reality
“Be the Witness VR” uses the latest technology to tell an ancient story—that in spite of everything, Jews will survive.
Stephen D.Smith is Co-Founder of StoryFile and a director of Memory Workers.
“Be the Witness VR” uses the latest technology to tell an ancient story—that in spite of everything, Jews will survive.
Social media has the power to impact change for good and the power to reach right into our homes in disturbing ways.
I have dedicated my life to the pursuit of peace, but now is the time for war.
Sir Ben Helfgott, and Joshua Kaufman, both Holocaust survivors, died recently, days apart, on opposite sides of the globe.
If we want to feel safer, billboards won’t help. We must double down on what makes us special — our loyalty to one another, our fierce sense of identity, our confidence and trust in one another.
The term ‘memory worker’ is not one you are likely to know, but memory workers are all around you. They are voluntary representatives of those victimized by violence or persecution.
Seventy-seven years after the end of the Shoah, the Nazis are long gone, but we were all there to celebrate a new Jewish family being formed. If there was ever an act of revenge, this was it.
What we are seeing unfolding in Ukraine should be of no surprise. It is an old school extension of the twentieth century. Putin is reprising Stalin’s playbook in Ukraine: occupy it, use its resources, repress its people, make them feel just Russian enough that they don’t fight back.
Marek Edelman suggested that the most appropriate way to memorialize the past is through how we live our lives in the world today.
To survivors of the Shoah and genocides the world over.