Picture of Rafael Medoff

Rafael Medoff

Dr. Medoff is founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies; his most recent book is The Jews Should Keep Quiet: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Holocaust.

Israel “Bombs Auschwitz”

The idea of using military force against mass murderers is no mere history lesson; it is a military strategy for a better world.

Congressman Says Jews Are Crazy

Congressman Bowman is not the first observer to make the insulting and false claim that Israeli Jews are mentally disturbed as a result of the Holocaust.

A Forgotten Display of Zionist Unity

The Zionist movement had always expected that the Negev desert would be part of the future Jewish state. But London and Washington had other ideas.

FDR’s Secret Plea to Hitler

The president who presented himself to the public as a humanitarian and a champion of the downtrodden went out of his way to maintain good diplomatic and economic ties with the world’s most brutal violator of human rights.


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