Remembering Joe Lieberman
The shloshim (thirty-day) mourning period for Senator Joseph Lieberman was completed on April 27, but I miss him more than ever.
The shloshim (thirty-day) mourning period for Senator Joseph Lieberman was completed on April 27, but I miss him more than ever.
By what twisted logic can the so-called progressive left justify supporting such a reactionary and inhumane movement, which violates so many norms and values of the left?
Is Israel living up to international laws of warfare? Has the IDF lowered its moral standards?
The IDF set out to minimize civilian casualties and in the process became the most moral army in the world.
So many events of October 7 were like scenes from the Holocaust.
The historical record shows that the Palestinian policies are the main obstacle to Palestinian statehood.
Our parshah tells the undoing of the crime that had shattered Jacob’s family.
This polarized moment should be turned into a bipartisan cooperation opportunity.
There are Jewish lessons to be learned from this crisis.