Rabbi Marvin Hier

Shimon Peres: The man who owned his dreams
The people of Israel have seen and attended many funerals, but none like the one I will be attending tomorrow to bid farewell to former Israeli President, Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Laureate, Shimon Peres.
Israel-Palestinian peace talks: Palestinians’ fantasy world
Without a doubt, at the moment, the Palestinians in Gaza and in the West Bank are riding high, flexing their muscles and feeling very confident about what they view as an impressive string of recent victories. The leaders of Hamas, for their part, have excited the whole Arab world by taking on the Israelis and successfully firing hundreds of rockets into the heartland of Israel, reaching her main population centers in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, to the great delight of the Arab street.
What is the Israeli election really telling the Palestinians?
Without a doubt, at the moment, the Palestinians in Gaza and in the West Bank are riding high, flexing their muscles, and feeling very confident about what they view as an impressive string of recent victories.
Mr. President: The problem is not Holocaust denial
As the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, I should be the last person to criticize the president of the United States for mentioning Holocaust denial in an important speech at the United Nations General Assembly a day before the most infamous Holocaust denier speaks from that same rostrum. Nonetheless, I think the president missed the point entirely when he said: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images we see of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.”
Opinion: Why the United Nations should walk out on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
As the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, I should be the last person to criticize the President of the United States for mentioning Holocaust denial in an important speech at the United Nation’s General Assembly a day before the most infamous Holocaust denier speaks from that same rostrum. Nonetheless, I think the President missed the point entirely when he said, “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander, must also condemn the hate we see in the images we see of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.”
Responding to the top 10 anti-Israel lies
It’s no secret to anyone that relations between the United States and Israel reflect a new reality and are not what they once were. The last few months have seen a worldwide frenzy of intimidation and threats directed against Israel that has backed its supporters into a corner. Very few have raised their voices in response.
Mamilla Cemetery Chutzpah and the Museum of Tolerance
Last week, the Jerusalem Post ran a front page story on the decision of the Supreme Muslim Council, in 1945, to turn the Mamilla Cemetery into a business center. The reason the Post gave it such prominence is because it belies the sheer hypocrisy of Palestinian groups and a few of their Israeli supporters and NGOs who, for four years, have criticized the Simon Wiesenthal Center for building a Museum of Tolerance on what was once the City’s municipal car park.
Why the Jerusalem Site Is Right
On Oct. 29, 2008, the Israeli Supreme Court rendered a unanimous decision permitting the Simon Wiesenthal Center to resume construction on its Museum of Tolerance project on the site of a municipal parking lot in the heart of western Jerusalem.
‘Munich’: The Missing Conversation
For me, the most telling moment in Steven Spielberg\’s \”Munich\” was the final scene, when the young, distraught Mossad team leader, Avner, takes a walk along the East River with his Israeli case officer, Ephraim, the man who supervised his mission.