Picture of Mike Levy

Mike Levy

7 Days In Arts

Fans of contemporary Jewish music, you have two chances this weekend to see Debbie Friedman.

Zayde Mitzvah

Every Bar Mitzvah is special, but Al Greenberg\’s was special.

Sharing Dreams

It\’s a rainy Monday morning, and youth from Watts and Beverly Hills are sitting together in the auditorium of David Starr Jordan High School in South Central L.A. Rabbi Marc Schneier and Martin Luther King III share a stage, and even the ninth-graders are paying attention.

7 Days In Arts / January 5-11,2001

Horns a-blazing, the University of Judaism presents Blow, Gabriel, Blow, a tribute to some of the finest trumpet players of the \’40s, the Gabriels of their time.


Westwood Kehilla: 10:45 a.m. Beginners\’ Shabbat service, for people who know nothing about Jewish prayer, with discussion, questions and answers.

7 Days In Arts

Klezmer remains alive and kicking in Los Angeles, and this week its name is Yale Strom and Klazzj.


Temple Emanuel: 10 a.m. Meditative Shabbat service followed by a potluck dairy/vegitarian lunch. 8844 Burton Way, Beverly Hills.


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