Picture of Joe R. Hicks

Joe R. Hicks

Playing a frayed and faded ‘race card’

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is making a truly impressive run for the White House, and in doing so is being considered by many as America\’s first mainstream \”black\” candidate — in other words a \”black\” candidate not running on a near-exclusive agenda of identity politics.

Justice takes a beating in Long Beach racial hatred case

The basic facts of the case are that last Halloween, a pack of black youths, with no evidence of any provocation, set upon three young white women who had come to an upscale part of Long Beach known to attract trick-or-treaters.

Border Protests Not Fight for Civil Rights

>Speaker after speaker at the recent immigration march in Los Angeles told the 500,000-strong primarily Latino crowd that racism and anti-immigrant sentiments lie behind the debates on Capitol Hill about border enforcement. This was the focus at the march and subsequent student walkouts, even though the House and Senate have debated competing immigration reform legislation, which has included discussions of some sort of guest worker or amnesty plan.

Facts Belie County Hate Crime Problem

Sometime in the early 1980s, a new type of crime was identified. It was called \”hate crime.\” Although the conduct which hate crime laws were aimed at was already criminal, the new laws targeted the motivation for the crime.

No Outrage Over Race Card?

Californians have reached new levels of accommodation for cultural and other differences, but some of our officials still speak unashamedly in stark racial and ethnic terms.


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