Hen Mazzig on ‘The Wrong Kind of Jew’
As a social media influencer, Mizrahi activist, pro-Israel educator, and member of the LGBTQ community, Hen Mazzig carries around many different identities.
As a social media influencer, Mizrahi activist, pro-Israel educator, and member of the LGBTQ community, Hen Mazzig carries around many different identities.
All right, already. Enough with the Kabbalah, klezmer and \”Kosher Sex.\”
The trendy trappings of the new \”cultural Judaism\” are fun, but they cannot stand alone without another important element: connection.
Just as the story of the ancient Hebrews\’ deliverance from slavery has been retold over the generations as the defining moment of the Jewish people, so have the Stonewall Riots become the story of the deliverance of a people.