Picture of Gary Wexler

Gary Wexler

What’s really wrong with Israel’s ad campaign

The ads calling for Israelis to return home recently produced by the Israeli Ministry of Absorption and subsequently killed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are being criticized for all the wrong reasons.

Getting to know my dad, again

My 93-year-old father emerged as a different person when my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s five years ago. He became independent, assertive, interested and engaging. When my mother died in October, he even became a bit spiritual. He’s certainly not the exhausted father with whom I grew up, who often didn’t know what to say to me. As a teenager and young adult, I never thought we would have much of a relationship. But now, as I approach 60 and he nears 94, the engagement between us has blossomed, as it has with my brother and all our children. The relationship he now has with my wife has become his most significant. She handles his money.

A Response: From Sarna’s Lessons, 5 Actions

Kol hakavod, as they say in Hebrew for congratulations, to professor Jonathan Sarna for his piece on the steps the American Jewish community must take in an economic downturn. His is a respected voice that hopefully our communal leadership will listen to.

What we need: Philanthropreneurship

I\’m learning that to American eyes, Canada can be very deceptive. It looks and smells like America, but scratch the surface and our northern neighbor is a million miles away. It\’s a very different place and culture.

Labeling ourselves as ‘right’ or ‘left’ limits us

While Israelis are furious with their government and military leaders over a war that was badly fought, very few believe that the effort was unjust. From their recent writings and in discussions with influential Israeli opinion makers, I was exposed to a variety of thinking.

Left-Leaning Jewish Groups Out-of-Touch Now

It is time that we American Jewish liberals who have been left leaning about our politics regarding Israel begin to review the support we give to the organizations that have been leading us. They are proving themselves obsolete, outdated and out-of-touch.

Face It: Judaism Is Not Hip

I was an advertising agency copywriter and creative director. I was trained to be one of the manufacturers of hip. I would sit in offices and create hip, and then watch all those people lust after the creations. I reveled in hip.

Failed Joshua Venture’s Serious Failings

Now that it has been \”formally put to death and buried,\” as one of its grantees told me, I feel free to speak out about the Joshua Venture, a supposed breakthrough organization, subsidizing the ideas of nonprofit professionals who will be leading the next generation of Jewish life.


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