Kol Koleinu Fellowship Develops Change-Making Jewish Teen Feminist Activists
The fellows are “feminists in the world and online, but haven’t really integrated it into their Jewish identity. Kol Koleinu helps them do that.”
Esther D. Kustanowitz is a Contributing Writer at the Jewish Journal. She previously was the Founding Editor at GrokNation.com. She is an experienced freelance writer and consultant specializing in social media, pop culture, grief and Jewish community conversation. She is frequently sought-after as a source on social media engagement and culture, and is known as a Jewish community social influencer.
The fellows are “feminists in the world and online, but haven’t really integrated it into their Jewish identity. Kol Koleinu helps them do that.”
Organizers say this is part of an ongoing dialogue about anti-racism, in tandem with the Tikkun Collective, the wing of the Nefesh community working with other organizations around specific campaigns and social issues.
This year, as with everything relating to the High Holy Days in the era of COVID-19, the space that IKAR carves out for grief had to be rethought.
The Journal reached out to local Jewish community leaders to ask them how Ginsburg inspired or impacted them.
The team has developed guides and webinars. They’re providing steps to invoke various aspects of the holidays as well as family memories.
L.A. communal leaders offered words of inspiration, resilience and redemption to their communities leading up to the High Holy Days. Here’s what they said.
The tweets speak truths that are all too familiar to anyone who’s worked at or with a Jewish organization.
As fires continue to blaze all around California, Israeli firefighters have flown in to help extinguish them.
Abby Kingsley and Nick Gaines were two of the local delegates at last week’s Democratic National Convention.