Picture of Diane Arieff

Diane Arieff

Lovers and Others

Like the uneven romantic fortunes of a veteran dater, \”Sex\” plays like a series of disparate encounters that range from memorable to better-off-forgotten.


If you didn\’t know that David Rose was one of our priceless assets, proceed to his pen and ink drawings on exhibit at the University of Judaism\’s Platt Gallery. A look at this lively body of work suggests that virtually everywhere 20th-century Jewish history was being made, David Rose was there.

Family Business

Back in the heyday of the self-made Jewish movie moguls, the studios were, to a certain degree, family businesses.

Innocence Lost

Little girls at a San Fernando Valley Jewish preschool report for circle time in midriff tops and lipstick. In Hollywood, a teen-ager acquires a tattoo, a designer backpack and a baby within a year of her arrival here from rural El Salvador. A \”soccer mom\” at a park in Van Nuys chats blithely about buying her 17-year-old daughter breast implants for her birthday. \”This is the real world,\” she says in response to my look of disbelief.


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