Picture of David Klinghoffer

David Klinghoffer

Prolific Neusner Takes on Mishnah

I don\’t know how many times I\’ve been in a conversation with a Christian who suddenly out of nowhere asked, \”What do you think of Neusner?\” They don\’t even feel a need to mention the man\’s first name, which is Jacob, assuming that as a Jew I would obviously be familiar with the rabbi and scholar who, for non-Jews interested in Judaism, is the No. 1 go-to guy.

When a Christian wants to know something about Judaism, which lately more and more do, a typical first course of action is a visit to Barnes & Noble, to the Jacob Neusner section of the Judaica shelves. His singularity is worth pondering.

Gibson Film Doesn’t Star Anti-Semitism

The fact that \”The Passion\” isn\’t anti-Semitic doesn\’t make it an effective piece of filmmaking. The bad news is that Gibson\’s motion picture manages to be sadistically violent and somewhat boring at the same time.

Zohar for the Rest of Us

After you\’ve spent a couple hours puzzling over Daniel Matt\’s Zohar or trying to sort truth from hype in the teachings of the Kabbalah Centre, it\’s a welcome relief to turn to a lucid academic rendering of kabbalah. Arthur Green, a professor of Jewish thought at Brandeis University, wrote the introduction to Matt\’s translation and is also the author of a useful new book titled \”A Guide to the Zohar.\” Published by Stanford University Press as a companion to Matt\’s work, this diminutive, accessible volume tells you everything you need to know about the Zohar — its history and influence plus honest but easy-to-read crystallizations of some of the main Zoharic themes — albeit from an entirely secular perspective.

Into the Mystic

Marcus Weston is a thin, good-looking Londoner who in his casual attire and unobtrusive kippah could pass for typical Pico-Robertson Modern Orthodox guy. On this cool Tuesday night in December, he offers his audience a reassuring smile.

The Jesus Movie Gibson Should Make

Jewish leaders continue to decry Mel Gibson\’s forthcoming Jesus movie for supposedly threatening to whip up anti-Semitism. Due out next April, \”The Passion\” identifies Jewish priests as instigators of the crucifixion.

Up a Tree Looking for a Home

My family and I are eager to move to Los Angeles from Seattle, but I\’ve got a problem: We are Orthodox and we like trees.

Is Thanksgiving a Holiday for Jews?

In some religious Jewish circles, Thanksgiving is controversial. The holiday troubles certain Orthodox Jews not because they are unpatriotic — considering how faithful a friend America has been to Israel lately, they are probably more patriotic than ever — but because some believe that the Torah forbids participating in any non-Jewish observance.

The Feiler Phenomenon

Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths\” by Bruce Feiler (William Morrow & Co, $23.95).

Like the stock market, belief in the Bible as a record of past events goes up and down. Such belief is now skidding toward a low point. While the sobriety and detachment of professional scholarship may numb us into forgetting that anything crucial is at stake in Scripture\’s historical accuracy, let\’s not forget.


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