Picture of Carin Davis

Carin Davis

Wingman Wanted

Oh where, oh where did my single friends go? Seems the chicks in my clique are all dating, married or hauling around gargantuan diamonds.

Tribemembers With Halos

Two Jewish pitchers — Al Levine and Scott Schoeneweis — are part of this World Series\’ miracle, where the Anaheim Angels have made it for the first time (as of press time the series was undecided).

E-mailer at the Bat

I\’m a sucker for a slugger in a baseball hat. So I got caught looking at Alex, the hottie at my weekly Sunday softball game. He works for a nonprofit, volunteers at a local hospital and drinks at St. Nicks. And he has the greatest laugh.

Combatting Hunger

Give a hungry man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Give him chicken soup while fishing, you feed him, teach him and give him a taste of home.

Finding the ‘It’ Shul

In Los Angeles, the happening High Holiday haunts sell out faster than Springsteen at The Forum. And the tickets cost just as much. So every fall, Jewish singletons like myself do the New Year hustle, seeking out affordable, last-minute tickets to The Main Event. About a week before the big Rosh, the calls start coming in: \”Davis, where are you going to services this year?\” \”How are you ringing in 5763?\” \”What are you doing New Years, New Year\’s Eve?\”

Tea House Therapy

Tired of serving up that familiar holiday honey cake? At the Rooibos Tea House, a happy, healthy New Year starts with African red tea and red tea baked goods.

\”Cooking with our tea is a delicious way to celebrate the High Holidays — tasty and energizing,\” said Rooibos owner Nira Levy Maslin.

Serving Jewish Pride in L.A.

Jewish tennis players served up a strong presence at this summer\’s Los Angeles-based pro tournaments, with Israelis Harel Levy, Noam Okun and Anna Smashnova participating in recent Southland competitions.

Plus Guest

I\’m amazed Jewish boys ever find the courage to take a wife, because the ones I date can\’t find the courage to take a guest.


KosherPets, a Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.-based pet food company, offers up \”kosher-style\” pet chow for your Jewish cats and dogs.

Knitting Trend Is No Yarn

Guess my Grandma Faye was a hip, trend-setting bubbe. A real lady before her time, she knit sweaters, crocheted blankets and kept closets full of colorful yarn.


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