
[July 23, 2015] American Jews want Congress to approve the Iran deal. That’s the headline from the first independent survey of America-Jewish opinion conducted in the days after the Iran nuclear deal was announced.

The L.A. Jewish Journal, an independent, nonprofit media company based in Los Angeles, sponsored the survey in order to provide a precise, thorough portrait of American-Jewish and national opinion at a time of intense concern and debate. Our hope is that the numbers and analyses presented below will provide a better understanding of how this crucial sector views the controversial deal between the United States, Russia, China, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Iran.

As the analyses by professor Steven M. Cohen, who oversaw the survey, and our senior political editor, Shmuel Rosner, indicate, the findings have far-reaching implications and meanings for American Jewry, Israel and the United States.

They demonstrate a significant divide between the positions of major Jewish groups such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and many Jewish Federations, which have publicly opposed the deal, and the majority of American Jews. The thousands of American Jews publicly protesting congressional approval of the deal obscures the reality that most American Jews want Congress to approve it.

As Rosner points out, the results also depict a continuing divide between American-Jewish and Israeli-Jewish opinion. In terms of their expressed support for the deal, the two groups are almost mirror opposites of each other.

Our hope is that this survey will provide the basis for a thoughtful, honest and civil discussion among our communities on an issue crucial to us all.

— Rob Eshman, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

For the survey questionnaire, click HERE.
For the methodology description, click HERE.
For tables from the survey of American Jews, click HERE.
For tables from the survey of the American general population, click HERE.


For the survey questionnaire, click HERE.
For the methodology description, click HERE.
For tables from the survey of American Jews, click HERE.
For tables from the survey of the American general population, click HERE.

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