
Watch Peace Now’s striking new video in support of a two-state solution

November 5, 2013

Peace between Israel and Palestine seems a teensy bit more possible this week than the last.

Negotiations are apparently entering a bulldozer phase: Israeli politician Zehava Gal-On “>later denied that he would impose a plan, saying, “Let me categorically dispel any notion that there is anything other than the track that is formally engaged in between Israel and the Palestinians.”]

And now — riding that wave of renewed hope — Currently, popular support for a two-state solution is at about 55 percent, both “>in the West Bank. But that slim majority of approval is more theoretical than practical — because most Jewish Israelis still don't want to withdraw from the settlements in the West Bank, and most Palestinians are still hoping for a “right of return” to Israel. And those figures don't even begin to address cordoned-off Gaza. As author China Miéville wrote in his tragically beautiful piece for Peace Now, however, knows that despite the deep-set physicalities and ideologies driving the Israel-Palestine conflict, we have to find an in-road somewhere. In a video released yesterday called “Why We Struggle For Peace,” the non-governmental organization — formed in 1978 to push through an Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, which they succeeded in doing — goes back to basics, reminding Israelis what's really at stake.