Our guest today is Rabbi Galia Sadan, Associate Rabbi and Director of the conversion school and the bar/bat mitzvah school at the Daniel Centers in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Rabbi Sadan is a graduate of the departments of Hebrew Literature and Linguistics at Tel Aviv University, and she is currently a doctoral student in the Hebrew Literature Department at Tel Aviv University. Her thesis studies liturgy manuscripts from the 11th century Genizah. She was ordained in 2003 as a Rabbi by the Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem. At the Daniel Centers she is responsible for overseeing over 100 conversions and hundreds of bar/bat mitzvah ceremonies.
This week’s portion – Parashat Vayelech (Deuteronomy 31:1-31:30) – recounts the last day in the life of Moses and tells us about the passing on of his leadership to Joshua. The parasha concludes with the prediction that the people of Israel will turn away from their covenant with God, but also with the promise that the words of the Torah will not be forgotten among their descendent. Our talk focuses on the way Moses ends his life and on the questions this makes us ask about our own lives.