
Israeli Apartheid Week 2015 – when anti-Semitism takes over.

March 4, 2015

“>the beginning of the end for the IAW, as the BDS’s true colors were exposed, the war in Gaza this past summer and the many lies about Israel that followed it, changed the picture. In the meantime, a powerful counter-force to Israel's haters hardly exists.

There are few against many. Israel is a remarkable example for a few against many. We've won many battles against bigger, greater armies, just like David was able to beat Goliath. But now, we play a different game. We are fighting the Media War, where recognition you get depends directly on the amount of people supporting your cause. This leads Israel’s supporters to constantly try and justify the existence of Israel, but their voice is not heard over the catchy BDS slogans.

As time goes by, the number of Jewish pro-Israelis who are willing to stand against the lies, mostly during Israeli Apartheid Week, decreases. What started many years ago as a somewhat legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies and grown to a twisted organization calling for the eradication of Israel is now showing strong signs of blunt, upfront anti-Semitism.

The BDS movement and the Israeli Apartheid Week have always carried some anti-Semitic characteristics. Going on a crusade against one country in the name of “human rights,” while neglecting any criticism against countries around the world who truly violate human rights, and at the same time diminishing the Jewish Holocaust to only second to the “Palestinian Holocaust” – are part of