For many of us, this season is marked by being with families and sharing our family stories. In the Torah cycle it is the time of the year that we read the powerful story of a family of brothers, a story about forgiveness and reconciliation. Buried in this story about brothers is a one-line mystery about a sister.
After Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers, he sends wagons to bring his father, Jacob, to Egypt so Joseph can take care of him. The text tells us: \”Then Jacob and all his offspring came to Egypt. He brought with him his sons and his grandsons, his daughters and his granddaughters — all his offspring. And these are the names of the children of Israel, Jacob and his descendants, who came to Egypt\” (Genesis 46:6-7). What follows is a very long list of men mostly, except for Jacob\’s daughter, Dinah, and one granddaughter: \”And the sons of Asher: Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi and Beriah, and their sister Serah\” (Genesis 46:17).