Picture of Kylie Ora Lobell

Kylie Ora Lobell

Kylie Ora Lobell is a writer for the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles, The Forward, Tablet Magazine, Aish, and Chabad.org and the author of the first children’s book for the children of Jewish converts, “Jewish Just Like You.”

The defense of (converting for) marriage act

Last July, I converted to Judaism after five years of studying and undergoing major lifestyle changes: I moved to a Jewish neighborhood, started keeping kosher, took off for Shabbat and the holidays, joined an Orthodox synagogue and learned with a chavrusa.

Teas and tarps: A passion that suits him to a tea

On a recent rainy Sunday in Santa Ana, a team of volunteers from NextGen OC, the young adult program of Jewish Federation & Family Services of Orange County, set off to pass out tea and tarps to the homeless around town.

Improv booker has thriving lab for humor experiments

When Jamie Flam arrives at the Hollywood Improv at noon every day, he’s prepared to spend the next 12 hours booking and producing shows, negotiating deals with talent and agents, and watching live comedy.


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