New Books: World Hates Us, Let’s Eat
Solid proof that Jew-hating is on the rise is the number of nonfiction titles publishers are releasing on the subject.
Solid proof that Jew-hating is on the rise is the number of nonfiction titles publishers are releasing on the subject.
As Israel enters the third year of the Al-Aksa Intifada, L.A. Jews are reaching out to pro-Israel Christians to express solidarity for Israel.
This Sunday\’s "End Occupation" rally in Hollywood has led Jewish watchdog groups to be concerned about the increasing anti-Semitism of the antiwar movement.
In the past, PETA has been responsible for in-your-face activism like slinging red paint at people wearing fur coats and breaking into laboratories to set animals free. Their antics have at times influenced public opinion — such as turning the fashion tide against fur in the \’90s. But will this Holocaust campaign have a similar effect?
Documentary filmmaker Ruth Broyde-Sharone\’s latest work, \”God and Allah Need To Talk,\” will make its Los Angeles debut Sunday, Sept. 14, with the 18-minute film being central to a three-hour interfaith celebration highlighting common bonds between Muslims, Christians and Jews.
Flush with the worldwide publicity generated by this summer\’s visit to Israel by actor Christopher Reeve, Ambassador Yuval Rotem of the Israel Consulate of Los Angeles said that in September he will \”re-embark on this mission, to appeal to some people from the entertainment industry and ask them to pay a visit.\”
Controversy over \”The Passion\” has swept through Jewish leadership circles, with the yet-to-be released film generating a discomfort and fear not found in the typical, sometimes difficult conversations that Jews have with non-Jews over contentious issues such as Israel.
Movie studios release very few historical or period films each year, much less a film like \”The Passion,\” which is in Aramaic and Latin with subtitles.